Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Iloilo Batchoy


2 table spoon of cooking oil.
1 head garlic, crunched and chopped fine.
1 medium Onion and Onion Root sliced
200 grams of boiled pork and cut into strips
1 cubed of pork broth cube
2 1/2 cups of prok broth
3 cups of water
150 grams of fresh Miki (Filipino Noodles) and washed
100 grams of pok liver washed and cut into strips
1 Spring onion root washed and chopped
Chichron crushed into fine


Heating the oil and sautee the Garlic until brown.

Heat the oil and Saute the garlic until brown. Put the garlic in a bowl and set a side!

Adding the the ingredients, meat and liver to boil.

Next add 3 cups of water on a pot then add the onion, the pork strips and put the pork broth cube, Bok Choy and cook for a few minutes approx 30 minutes. Do not stir wit ladel!

Lastly, stir in the pork broth and water. As the hot water boils add the Miki (which is the Filipino Noodles) and the liver. Let it simmer to about 2 minutes, then served the fried garlic on top and the chopped onions root and as desired the Pork Chicaron for the delecious healthy Taste and Look. Enjoy!

One more secret: just post your email address and I'll send it you.

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